Ru-mor N.e w.s_:
On*colog-y M*e.d-. I*n,c_. (O TC: O,NCO) a C ancer Tr 'eatment Solutio,'ns Gr-oup is s-a_i*d to h_a v.e
exp+e.rienced o v-e_r a 1000.% i.ncreas,e in revenu+e_s f+o,r t-h-e fisc,al 3 r d qu'arter end-ing J_u,l-y-,
2'0,0-7 co mpare+d w,i,t-h t+h*e pr'ior y+e a r wh-ile fisc'al fo+urth quar-ter resu+lts f'o*r 2*0+0+7 a+r_e on
tra ck to exce-ed t_h-i,s ye*ar's t.hird quart'er result s.
O.N,C'O addi'ti.onally plan's to inc,'rease ser*vice o'ff+erings whi+ch a+r.e un,derway,.
Don'+t w.a-i.t f o'r t'h e n*e_w.s to c'o,m,e o,u t a*n_d l'o,s*e t'h e oppor -tunity to g.e't in fron*t of the inve st_ing pu'blic. Oncolo,g*y M e_d is in a mu* ltibillion dolla+r ind.ustr y w+h,e,r,e
t-h,e.y a+r*e gaini ng m_arket sh,are r_apidly.
C-a'l l y-o'u+r br.oker n*o.w f_o*r O,N'C-O,.